Marc Mailhot

Software Developer

(905) 650-0062


I'm a Canadian software developer with a special interest in backend development, programming languages, functional programming, compilers, reactive programming and systems architecture. University of Waterloo, BCS, Honours Computer Science, Co-operative Programe, Class of 2019. Will be starting full-time work at Jane Street in NYC this August. When not working I occasionally develop side projects and enjoy cooking, economics and politics.


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Selected Projects

Developed at TerribleHacks X, Flappy Goose is a Flappy Bird clone written for the Gameboy Advance in Rust.

Intially developed at TerribleHacks III, Dayder is a fast, flexible, system for finding correlating data series. I did the development work on the rust backend, including serializing a deserializing a custom efficient binary time series data format (which stored 5000 data series in under 900kb), and did the design and CSS for the frontend.

A quick weekend project to learn D, femto-chat is a minimal IRC client. Of particular note is the message (de)serialization code, which makes use of advanced features of D templates to automatically generate highly optimized functions to convert between internal and IRC protocl representations of messages.

Written in 36 hours for UofT Hacks 2015, Newsmash is a Clojure web application and Chrome extension designed to break filter bubbles by providing users with articles on the same topic by a variety of news sources. It scrapes news articles from a variety of news sources, analyses the text for key words and named entities, and groups articles on the same topic. Winner of both the IBM and Intel Mashery prizes at UofT Hacks 2015

Developed as part of team with two other developers and a designer at Hack the North 2015, Parrot is a voice-controlled, hands-free email interface to Gmail that allows users make use of otherwise unproductive time while commuting to listen and reply to emails. Runner up for the prize at Hack the North 2015.

Other Things


  • Developed Flappy Goose, a Gameboy Advance game written in Rust.

  • Served as Secretary of the UW Computer Science Club.

  • Worked at Apple as a Platform Architecture Intern, working on a high-performance hardware simulation compiler.